The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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PAGE EIGHT METHODIST BISHOP HERE TOMORROW 4 Baptist Leaders to Open 2 Day Program With Talks in 9 Churches BY 0 The most Intensive end varied week's program of the Protestant Lenten season will open with wor ship services tomorrow morning These and noonday services next iii Dr 0 Pitt Beers to the resident ot the week will bring a number of promt nent leaders city mith bishon Cincinnati Area i of the Methodist Church will preach in Ep Bishop Lester biintti i worth Euclid Methodist Church tomor row morn Ing and In a Shore Methodist Chinch Euclid tomorrow night The Cleveland Baptist Associa tion tomorrow will open a two day "Spiritual Re covery with addresses in Ji hL wl 1 nine churches by a party of lour national Baptist leaders headed by Dr Pitt Deers of New York executive secretary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society Dr Beers will preach in the morn ing in the Baptist Church of the Master and In the evening at Olivet Baptist Church Walfred Dan Helson dean of Bethel Institute St Paul at Trinity Baptist Church in the morning and at Madison Avenue and West Park Baptist Churches In the evening Rev Bruce Kinney of New York nt Euclid Baptist Church in the morning and at Calvary Bap tist Church in the evening Mis Killian nf Philadelphia nt White Avenue Baptist Church in the morn ing and at Nottingham Baptist Church in the evening Meeting Monday All will speak in a Baptist meeting In the Euclid Ave nue Church at 2:30 rn Monday Simultaneous dinners for men and women will he held In the same church at 6:30 Monday with the three men ad tressing the men's group and Mrs Killian Bishop Warren Lincoln Rogers of the Diocese of Ohio will preach and confirm classes In three Episcopal churches tomorrow: At she Church of the Epiphany Euclid hi toe morning In St Gem go's Mission nt 3:30 and In St at "1 :30 rn Dr Norris Tibbetts minister nf Uvde Bark Baptist Church Chicago will give the noonday sermon at 12:13 from Monday through riday sponsored by the Cleveland Church ederation In Old Stone Church These will on broadcast over WGAK Dr Tfbnetts will speak over the same station nt 8:30 a in Wednes day and riday Rev Wendell McGinnis juniorcurate and Rev Eenidlct Williams senior cure's will continue the dally noondav series at 12 10 In Episcopal Cathedral Rev Mr Mc Cmni rpeaknig Monday Tuesday and Wednesda and Rev Mr WII Ham Thursday and riday 'i Three Swedish ongiegations Inithe Addison Rrwid Wada Park Ave nue district will continue an annual series of evangelistic union services begun more than 30 years ago by bringing Dr Morris Peterson of Worcester Mass hero for meetings opening tomorrow Dr Peterson will preach in Wal worth Swedish Methodist Chutch at 4 and 7 and 'I uesday Wednes day and Thursday evenings at 7:15: in the Swedish Baptist Chuich from riday through the evening of March 18 and in the Swr dlen Congrega tional Church from Match I'd through March 22 English Women of Title Are Detained RIO DE JANEIRO Match 0 (API Two titled English women Viscountess Hastings and Lady Marian Cameron declared In an in terve al their hotel today they had been held there incommunicado since yesterday Richard Gavin ieeman a young man who they said accompanied them from Great Britain was heldt police headquarters Authorities said the three dis reepenled laws and customs of Brazil from th moment of their I barkatlon from the ship Ailanza i eb 21 and they veto niiestrd after rprated warnings Seraphim Braga chief of the so la I section of the police said 'obtain'd documenta whi'di seemed to b'r rn Brazilian Com munism Lady Cameron srtl reeman was plat'd In jail th' day they arriv'd and finally was leleaaed with the aid of the British smbsy snd runs date general but was Spain arrest cd Viscountess Hastings declared the trio tame to Brazil on tils eras writ lng assignments fAILEsTuNERAL IS TODAY nites In Mdney for Mother of Chem ical Company Ofilcer Private funeral services will beheld today in Sidney fr MisJane Elliott Alles mother of jAd rlan Allee vice president and sales director of the Lake Erie Chemical Co Mrs Alles died Thurs day at her home In Bethesda Md after a long illness Mrs Alles a native of Kidney went to live with a daughter Mrs Ada Alles Wilson in Bethesda twenty year sgo on th death of her hueband Hesellah Surviving era her children Adrian fi Shaker Heights Mis WllaonMrs Eva Taft Evanston HI Miss Lulu AH'S and Eugene of Scarborough Dr OHva Alles ot Charleston Vs and Charles ot Chevy Chase MdAnother son the late Milton was president of the Riggs Na tional Bank of Washington and an asaiaunt secretary ot the treasury under President William McKinley ainter of Ohio Murals Head BROOKLYN March 6 (APJ Arthur Woelfle 62 portrait and landscape painter died today at hla mother' home here Among his painting are a mural 125 feet tong in a gallery at Erie Pa and tn portrait of Ohio judge In tha Court House at Youngstown 0 The Church ederation 1 SHOULD WORRY BY DR DON TULLIS (Copyright 103S by the North American Nswipaper Alliance Ine) This phrase means exactly the opposite of what it aays ahoulcl worry" is an emphatic way of sayiag I should not the matter docs not concern me in the least In spite of nonchalant attempts at dodging responsibility most of us worry about many things This is wrong While we must not shirk duty we should not worry about it for worry robs us of the strength necessary to the performance of the task Worry is futile If things can be changed why worry about them? Go out and change them If they cannot be changed why worry about them? It will do no good It will only sap your strength and stay your progress Take a lesson from armer Johnson who "worried for so many months about marketing his mules he had no strength left in his legs to catch the darned old fools" We 'worry about such things as food and clothing when we have everything wo need Tso Ssu a Chinese poet of the third century wrote one drinks at a river one cannot drink more than his fill The bird in a forest can perch hut on one bough and this should be the wise pattern" Being unwise we think in terms of larger rivers and more houghs Worry shuts out the sunshine of life A preacher remarks that many people spend so much of their time and energy laying up for a rainy day that they live their whole lives in a drizzle should worry" is not bad philosophy Let the other man do the worrying while you do the world's work A worrying minister who was reproached by the church janitor offered to pay the janitor $6000 a year to do his worrying for him Later they met in the church and signed the contract Suddenly the janitor exclaimed where are you going to get the $6000?" where your job begins" replied the minister We have enough real burdens without assuming Imaginary ones Even these real ones arc too much for us Two things arc essential to a happy and successful life irst stop worrying or worry will stop you Second let Gori help you with your impossible burdens ollow the prescription of the Great Physi cian casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you OPEN OBSERVANCE Order Deportation of Gardos Ex Editor PURIM TONIGHT Jews Celebrate Thwarting of Haman Massacre in Carnival Spirit In minlval spirit Cleveland Jewry will begin Tit sunset tonight to cele brate it joyous festival of Purim or th east of fxt This holiday marks the thwarting by Queen Esther of the plans of Haman prim minister in ancient Persia for the massacre of her people Religious i rvlce today and to night will followed tomorrow with concerts plays cantatas and pag eants i nactlng the historic events and by parties social events and carnivals in which Haman In ctligy will play a leading iol The read of I he Book ot Esther will he a part of the religious iltea In memory of tlmir deliveranr ironi Hi nnnfent tyrant Jewish families will exchange gifts and contribute to the poor Plans for the holiday In principal Jewish centers include the following events: THE Purim service to morrow a "But Morel eat Rnwd Not Down" Rahhl A HlSilver 2:30 religious school carnival Including a treasure hunt fortune tellers throwing gallery fish pond Palestine exhibit troubadours rnarlonet show dancing and re freshments EUCLID AVENUE Purrn rervice and pag eant at 11 this morning religions service nt 10:30 a tomorrow when Rabbi Pannett will speak on nllncles About th Jews" Purim biskels will be piepatcd fur needy families TEMPLE ON THE Religlous servi at 6:30 tonight and 7 a Inmnirnw Men's Club lei tin by Rev Herman Kohn "Purim In at 10:45 a rn masque Purim party for children of th I cllgloiis si bool at 2 in Spirit Hall card party sponsored by the sisterhood nt 8 nt COM UNITY TEM PL Masquer ade party sponsored by the Temple Junior lcngne in the Lee Itond Mn srnle Tempi tonight Sunday school pageant relebra lion with popularity innlest tomorrow morning Purim sermon try Rabbi Ahrahsin Nowak In Coventry School at 10:15 a 10 mortow "The Wandering Jew" ClEVELAN'O JEWISH CENTER Religious service at 6:15 tonight with Slsteihond Men's Club and alumni Joining the religious school this will be followed nt 8 with mush al play depleting the Hl ot a I'ongregatinii The production will Le repeated nt 8 tomorrow night OHEP ZEDEK CONGREGATION Sermon by Rabbi I Ward Por'llh nt 10 this morning rm "The Present liiy Slgnifiruinii' of rurlm" other teliglous sei vice st sunset nd a tomorrow special religious school service st Hie same hour: Sunday school Purim program to morrow tn be combined witli parents' annual visiting dnv COUNCIL EDUCATIONAL ALIL ANCE "Purim in the 251 Century" program In all bramhes: parties dance drsninlles and musical fea tures rill next week enlru tainrnent by rill divisions of 55th Street Brsmh tonight and Imnmmw after noon and evening cantata at ll26 105Hi Street nt 8 tomor row patty at Mount Pleasant House tomorrow afternoon MISCELLANEOUS Purim radio broadcast over WTAM from 7:30 to 8 totrlght under ausph nf th Bureau of Jewish Education Purim dinner for Jewish Day Nursery children 612 102d Street tonight religious services at Bellefalre Orthodox Old Hom and Orthodox Jewish Orphan Home today and tomorrow celebra tion of 30th jubilee of Labor Zionism with rrmcert by Al Usuis Bella Eulerino and Ben Basenko all of New York In Little Theater of Public Hall at 8 tomorrow averring Cleveland Zionist Society parly In Mahler Hall th Temple Wednrwiay evening at 8:15 with showing nt th motion BEGINS EECTUIIES TOMOIlltOW enwick Halm I Give Kerle rm Tour IHnirnklonul 11 1 Ing' enwick Holmes author of "The Law nt th Mind in AHrm" and other books on the Irmce living will hgln a series Irotur tomorrow evening In Hntl Clave land on 'rur Dlinerislorivl Living" II will speak io evening next week except Thursday Holmes a former rolleg teacher and Cnngregational ilergyman will depict Einstein theory of reUtlvhy tn two reel motion picture to morrow' night Monday evening he will apeak on "Psychology and ood Chemistry" He will appear under suspire of th Mentheu Club of the United State and Canada Emil Gardos former editor ot Uj Elore Hungarian dally here must be deported ns in alien Communist th paper lenrned yesterday The noti fication was sent from the Cleveland division nf th Immigration and naturalization service of the Depart ment of Labor If Gardos wishes Io depart volun larlly he may go to any country of his choice according to th order If not he must be deported to Rou manin whose territories include Gordo' birthplace formerly in Hungary Gardos' citizenship was revoked In 11)34 He was made a citizen In 1928 but it was charged he was naturalized "with mental rcsefva tlons" lie came to this country In 1922 riends here said Gardos was in Nw York attempting to enlist aid of the Committee for Protection of the oreign Born in his fight against deportation KRAUSE UNERAL HELD Lrikewnod Physlchin Was Son of Noted Doctor The funeral of Dr Carl I Krause 73 of 15325 Lak Avenue Lakewood who riled Thursday after a long ill ness was held at the residence yes terday Burial was in Riverside Cemetery Dr Kraus was th son of the lai Dr Bernhard Krause well known physician in his time and brother in law of County Auditor John A Zengerle He was horn In Cleveland and was a graduate of the School Mcrlicine Western Reserve Univer slty Last June his nephew re ceived his medical diploma there Dr Krause studied also at Columbia University tn Austria and in Ger many and marie several ttips to Europe io study hospital methods Ills wife survives Weather Government orecast AMI I fJ Man 'L OffieR wf'dilicr fiHwaMl for Satiii'dfiv Sutidav: (jbln Clniidv ami warmer Probably baht of rain near Lak Krir Siiur Sumlav dmnlv and wanner probably Tight rain in aficmooti Wcwrn Ivatiia Cloudv with ptnpnilun probably liaht snow mar Lake Eric Safuriliy Sunday ulmidy an uaniifr rain Snndav iinrliL WrgtrrB wMh rtincr I jirnbahlv liirbi rninw nar the Inkn Mntnrfhiv: Smidiv cloudy and warmer lain Stimlav nluhl Lnurr Michigan Ilrbt "now raid iorlinn morning wumipr Saturday Snmlav nnt I IM rain or miow itrobabln ddcr and norlh in allnr noon I pprr Mh'hirnn Totidy irmw Sunday and in nirniifi Saiurdav riin irmiwnthirw Saturday ddrr Sun day IIMIWI Lirkr Michigan Mo'lcral aonthrrly winds atii lay rnogdy cloudy Saturday Cleveland Weather Report Th following data hruM nn nbwrrva lion mad? at 75th uiuriiltan limn ar? ftirniMif'd by the local nlfhe of ill? state Wraiher Bureau I Kfiil i rrl Rn i liner aruh inn Parnniirr urn lv Tfonp 4rlrv bn lb Tonin wpi bulb) 1 1 mnidil Hinn Wiml dlrrclHin Wind WrjilM IHchrtii wind vrlr from i hr norlh went ini pin Slim i 3b 3'1 3022 12 is 11 Ji in 74 H' 22 NK MV ifly ririr x'lty 21 milra per hour a a at STATED HOUKS a rn 12 I 3 rn IS 1 2 I I a 13 I ID Nonti lb I Hnlofc an riday ID llihri'd ri in MHUC lt year 5 7 tpinncriittire riday JI lnwfM rtnn da? Iftt 33 Irmprranirr 1 5 Normal trinppfalnr? 31 If nririv'v of imp hi to dah 3 AcfimnilaU'd anirr Jin I 2 Tntiil pi 21 hours rmb nf htf inn In dale 40 Arriitnulalfd sin? Jan I 180 Meteorological Report Wind Westher Mrrh 6 1536 EAST THE MI88ISSI RIVER Cloudy Pl 1b 0 32 12 12 1 Mt ar 2d 31 12 II wW Purt Cldv 13 1M harUaloti Oar tl China Cloud 3 3U riuvrlmd ID nm innall 31 Olrni! Imidv 22 22 fhjl'iih Joulv 12 12 2 Ert? NW Iz ar In 2 rrn Hi Spnw IS 2 kMrinvHH Mr 1 Hr 52 nh t) Mammoi? Snow 4 11 1 nirhlN Our ftH AS 0 MW 21 Nrw Oilmna SW OS 70 Ntv Voric NW kar 2 3f 1 puhnrin rinr 24 32 Hl SE 52 Sf? MirlP SE IS IS Clear 21 2d 0 Pl Cldv 31 42 I) WEST 6 TUB RIVER hK Mun? Clar Clar Clniidr 4m Kana 'iiyNW 51 I na Ann rim 4 5H Cloudv I H'ihhHna rny ar I rllnmt K' ondy 51 I Ur hh fn Lmna rlntidv 40 Sill 1 NW Clr 54 Dan ranrliK'o 6n CANADA rtlrrvW Pan Cloudy 40 Pm! Nn'w 0 kar 3 Cloudy Jn Almno for Today sun riw at a mi fi ll Moon bki at 61 1 tn i at 6:16 a tn '1 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SATURDAY MARCH 7 1936 POPE GETS PHOIOS CONGRESS HERE Thanks Bishop Schrcmbs for Pictures of Eucha ristic Observance i Acknowledging a complete set of photographs of Clevelands Seventh National Eucharistic Congress Eu genio Cardinal Pacelll papal secre tary of state in a letter to Bishop Joseph Schrcmbs said that the photo graph gave the pope the utmost happiness The letter said in part: "His holiness Is must grateful to your excellency for these documents not only because ot the spiritual joy and comfort they have afforded him by permitting him to envision in all Its splendid detail the Eucharistic triumph of Jesus Christ whose vicar he is but also because they ettectu ally preserve for posterity the pre cious record of on of the most sig nificant events in American Besides the photographs Bishop Schrcmbs sent the pope a complete chronology of the congress as pub lished in a huge souvenir volume and the daily and weekly newspapers of the city Th on wk mission lor men at St John's Cathedral In charge of Rev Ignatius Hamill and Rev John Walsh of Chicago will begin at 8 tomorrow night ather Walsh will give th Initial service Beginning Monday there will be mis sion services for men at 5:30 and 8 each evening through the week Tne mission for women which has been conducted this weeK will end at 3 in tomor ow Spiritual exercises beginning on April 10 and continuing until Sun day April 26 and Monday April 27 will mark the official observance of the 25th anniversary of the con secration of Bishop Schrembs dio cesan officials announced yesterday These exercises will be participated in by priests nuns lay adults and children th final events being a public reception In Public Hall In honor of the bishop on the night of April 26 and a solemn pontifical mass ty the bishop in Public Hall al 10 a April 27 Combined choirs from the semi naries of Our Lady of the Lake of the ranciscan Order and of the Blessed Sacrament athers will sing Parishioners of St Church will give program In the parish hall Woodland Avenue and 60th Street at 8 tomorrow night to welcome their new pastor Rev William Moseley Thirty six priests whe were or dained March 11 1933 will observe the third anniversary of ordination by attending a soleinn mass in An nunciation Church Bennington Road and 130th Street at 11 a Wednesday rev Herman Klocker Rev Rev Edward Mur phy and Rev Edward Nieberding will be the officiating priests Mem bers of the class with Rev Charles Hogan as organist will be the choir At St Paul's Shrine Euclid Ave nue and 40th Street the Holy Name Society will sponsor the monthly adoration from 10 tonight until 6 tomorrow morning LEAVES IRST UNITARIAN Rev Tracy Pullman AssociateMinister Goes In Salem Mass Rev Tracy Pullman associate minister of irst Unitarian Church will leave his post April 1 to be come minister of irst Universalist Church Salem Mass it was an nounced yesterday Rev Mr Pullman had been pastor of All Souls Universalist Church East Cleveland for four years when it merged with irst Unitarian more than three years ago Since the merger he has been associated with Rev Dilworth Lupton in parish and educational work The church con tinues both denominational affilia tions Rev Mr Pullman's new post Is with a historic church with a mem bership exceeding 300 families GOSPEL LEADERS ON RADIO our Square Church Sponsors Two New Series on WHK and WflAR The Church of the our Square Gospel Euclid Avenue and 93 1 Street will inaugurate th first ot two new weekly religions radio features with a fifteen minute period over WHK at 8:45 this morning There will be music and brief ad dresses by Rev Sidney Correll regional director of our Square churches and bis brother Rev Carroll Correll Rev Norman Gutry pastor of th Church of the Holy City East Ch velanrl speaking as "The New Churchman" will answer questions on lite problems sad Bibl interpre tation each Thursday at 8:45 a rn over WGAR SET NATIONAL PRIMIN' NDAV Salvation Army I nil to Entertain Inmritex r( Institution Tomorrow National Prison Sunday will be ob served tomorrow by Cleveland units of the Salvation Army in common with others throughout the country Col Edmund Hoffman northeastern Ohio division commander will apeak at Mansfield Reformatory Cleveland institutions will he visited hy nrmy delegations tomorrow after noon County Jail Inmates will be entertained by the Cleveland Temple Corps Hi chorus ami band of Branch No 4 Collinwood Maj Arthur Smith will speak The band and chorus of Branch No 6 will visit Warrensville Workhouse where Adjt Lois Newton will speak LOVETT UNERAL AT 1:36 Ilnur of Service Today Will on form to Train Schedule The funeral of Dr fitly Lovett former president of th Cleveland Dental Society who died Wednes day nt hl" 1mm 2877 Brighton Road Shaker Height will be at 1:30 this afternoon instead of at 2:30 as pre viously announced to conform to the schedule of ths train that will tnko the body to Shreve for burial Service will be at St Paul's Epis copal Church Coventry Road and airmount Boulevard Cleveland Heights I'Mhian Hear Rath Tonltht Public safety illustrated by lan tern slide and motion pictures will be Police Sergeant Arthur topic when he addressee th 32 Knights of Pythias lodge and their auxiliaries of Cuyahoga County to night at 8 In Pythian Castle 1624 55th Street State Tax Commissioner Jerne Dunn jr past supreme chan cellor also yvill apeak IRST BAPTIST airmount Blvd at Eaton Rd (End of airmount Car Lin) I 0:45 a tn Church School 11 A MORNING WORSHIP DR PHILLIPS INDIGNATION JESUS" "THa Qut for Security in an IndiBlri ilited by Dr Jacob sMeycr ISBf AT EAST I8THST 73O PRELUDES: 1 Edward VIII of England" 2 "Edward King of Chicago" SERMON: HAS THE GREATER OPPORTUNITY KING EDWARD OR EDWARD KING?" BY Dr Herbert Spcnccr Johnson 11 A Sermon by REV BRUCE KINNEY of New York Vested Choir of Young People CHRIST CHURCH Shaker Heights Center rd near Kinsman The Rev Mapes Rector SERVICES 8:00 and 11:00 Church School 11:30 a ni At 5 THE MADRIGAL SINGERS CONCERT' Cinmaii'jcf Sfll4 EUCLID KEV ANDREW GILL Rector HOLY COMMUNION 8 a Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 a tn EV ENSONG 4 ORGAN RECITAL 5 rn Evening Prayer 8 REV BENEDICT WILLIAMS! Catfjebral EUCLID AT 220 STREET Tn very Rev Chester Emerson IX Ha in Holy Communion JI a Mornin? Prayer and Sermon' 4 Choral Evensons Sermons hv DEAN EMERSON 5 Orvm Recital Edwin A Kraft Lenten Joondav Service 12:10 Mon Tire Mr McGinnis I Thurs Mr William Rosicrucian Rosicrucian ellowship Carnegie Hall 1220 Huron rd Room 108 Temple Service SUNDAY AT 11 A Advanced elaxs Tues 8 m' 1 Beginners' class Philosophy and Esoteric Astrology Thur 8 Baptist Church Notes Pulpit Viiitort Tomorroio Dr Myers ot Juniata (Pa) College will preach in irst Church of the Brethren Cleveland Height Rev Paul Hollar formerly pas tor of the Hicksville (O) Presbyte rian Church will begin his ministry at Phillips Avenue Presbyterian Church East Cleveland Rev Bartels pastor of Grace Lutheran Church Cleveland Height will preach In the union Lutheran service at 8 In Hotel Cleveland Rev Julius Appleton of Cincinnati will be guest preacher in Brooklyn Heights Congregational Church Dr Dieterich superintend ent of Cleveland Methodist District will preach in the morning service of East Glenville Methodist Church Rev Joseph rease of Colum bus director of educational and young work for the Lutheran Synod of Ohio will occupy the pul pit ot Trinity Lutheran Church Lakewood Dr Herbert Hinds will preach in Beachland Prashvt t'ian Church Dr A Bloomfield stated clerk of the Presbytery of Cleveland will be guest preacher at St Pres byterian Church Rev Mayer pastor of Rocky River Methodist Church and his brother Rev Sidney A Mayer pas tor of irst Methodist Church Wil loughby 'will exchange pulpits to morrow morning Rev Clifton Earl Moore of Prince ton Theological Seminary will preach In Maple Heights Presbyterian Church Rev Blanch ird pastor of Eu clid Avenue Congregational Church will speak in an evening service sponsored by the men of Ardiwood Avenir Congregational Church Rev Merrell of Cynthia Ky will preach at Noble Road Presby terian Church Mutical Service) The College of Wooster Glee Club will give two sacred concerts in Cleveland churches tomorrow: In Windermere Presbyterian East Cleveland at 4:30 tend in Calvary Presbyterian at 7:45 The Madrigal Singers will sing at 5 in a musical tea program in Christ Episcopal Church Shaker Heights With the assistance of the West High School Orchestra they will present an evening musical service in Trinity Methodist Church The choir ot Immanuel Pres byterian Church will sing In special Lenten vespers at 4 The Cleveland Heights High School a cappella choir ill sing at 4:30 In the Methodist Church ot the' Saviour The choir of irst Presbyterian Church East Cleveland will sing over WGAR from 1:15 to 1:30 St Michael's Russian Orthdox Church choir will present ah evening musical service in Calvary Evangel ical Church The 55th Street Welsh Presby terian Church will join in the an nual Welsh choral festival of Jones Road Congregational Church tomor row evening The Schauffler College Choir will sing tomorrow evening in irst Con gregational Church Lotiia Vaughn Jones Negro vio linist will be heard in concert Mon day evening in the Euclid Avenue Baptist Church Other Service) Elders Wilson Handler of Chi cago and Thane Winnard of Whitney Id will begin regular services for the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints at 1220 Carnegie Hall at 10 a and 7 :30 tomorrow Rabbi Armond Cohen of the Cleveland Jewish Center will speak or and Judaism" be fore young people of Epworth Eu clid Methodist Church at 10 a "Tempering Justice With Mercy" will be the theme of Municipal Judge Joseph Ackerman before the St James Literary orum at 4 Scottish societies and affiliated or ganizations will be guests in the eve ning service at Old Stone Church AWAIT ENDEAVOR LEADER Member of Church Societies to Hear Glen Maman Glen Massman of Dayton field secretary of the Ohio Christian En deavor Union will conduct four dis trict meetings for local Christian Endeavor societies next week Massman will meet members of the West District in Denison Ave nue Congregational Church at 7:31) Monday evening the North District in Collinwood Congregation Church Tuesday evening the Central Dis trict in Dunham Church of Christ Thursday evening the South Dis trict tn East View Congregational Church riday evening Miscellaneous Community Religious Hour Sunday Afternoon 3:00 Clock Ball Public Auditorium (North Entrance) EDWARD TREZ Representative of National Headquarters Recent Developments in the Townsend Movement" by Jranois lownnd Orchestra Uucshonu Asked Admission if Divine Metaphysics Am That I Am" Church of Divine Metaphysics Old Amid Auditorium SUNDAY MAUCH Sth AT 10:30 Subject "Th Meanest Word in the English Lansniasc" Rax De Slion Music hr Mme Matnlka and Mtlden Church office and studio 716 Old Arcade PRospcct 261 Community PLYMOUTH CHURCH 1 SHAKER HEIGHTS 1J OVENTRYuarf WEYMOUTH MiniRtrr: MILES KRUMBINE JAMES LOTZ 11 DR KRUMBINE Preaches 'Aimlcwn its Cause and Cut Missionary Calls on World to Accept Rule The Kingdom of God used by Jesus to describe an Ideal society though it ha been longed for uni versally by all generations can never be achieved except a men and wom en receive It rule In their own hearts Dr Louis Wright presi dent of Buldwin Wallace College as serted yesterday noon In the Old Stone Church Lenten service many ot Dr Wright con tinued to get God to do our will instead of seeking to find and do His Ultimately there can be no progress in human relationships ex cept by those who do the will of God as Jesus revealed It in the Beatitudes" Many people do themselves Injury hy judging themselves too harshly and believing they have failed Rev Wendell McGinnis junior curate said in yesterday's noonday sermon at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Like the apparent failure of Christ on the cross they may find their defeat only temporary he added are different standards upon which to base failure he said of God of others and of ourselves Strangely enough we are our own most severe critics Due to lack of perspective Inability to see results or insatiable ambition that attempts too much we believe we have failed Our failure like His may be only apparent" Dead Barnesville Coughlin Group BARNESVILLE March One hundred and twenty five charter members formed a branch of ather Charles Coughlin's National Union for Social Justice at a meeting her today A Peters of Barnesville was elected president jfirgt iIiSSionarp 2600 EAST BOULEVARD JARED GERIG Pastor REVIVAL CONTINUES Sunday at 10:30 3:00 7:30 Rev HENDERSON Speaker THIS IS YOUR INVITATION Unitarian Universalist IRST UNITARIAN (Univralist Unitarian) Euclid at 82 Sunday 11 a JAPANESE MR LUPTON Will preach Pentecostal PENTECOSTAL Lexington Ave and 55th St Rev Holloway Pastor 9 Sunday School DR KLINK Will speak at 10:45 and 7 "THE WAY TO HEAVEN ROM A ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLE BIG REVIVAL Continues Through March 20 Eten Nisht Except Satiirrlsr DR OTTO KLINK Evangelist Gospel addiotTro GOSPEL HALL 1477 Addison rd MR SHELDRAKE ot Sault Sle Marie Mich Will preach thcK0spel each nisht except Saturday 7:45 Ministry 3 Sunday Everyone Welcome No Collection GOSPEL CHURCH HERBERT MACKENZIE Pastor 1816 CRAWORD RD (opposite 81th street) Take Euclid car to 820 or rayne ltougli car tn Crawford rd THE REV MACLEAN LEMING of New York ill preach at and Sunday School Claaaea at Younz People at 6:30 This Invitation I for You Congregational (Euclib Sbt Euclid ave at 1)6 it ERDINAND BLANCHARDMinister jl 4 Mornitiff Worship Sermon bv th Minister aipra Miscellaneous li '1 1 1 IIIJIM If at 'I Wil' A Hi' Mi MIIBfflHailiM THE GREATEST COUNTEREIT CHRISTIANITY! HEAR Evangelist COON and hh Evangelistic Company SUNDAY NIGHT I AT THE i 5706 Hough Ave (near 55th) Also each evening except Monday "ar wt ir i tem Lectures and Other Meetings Lectures and Other Meetings CHURCH' DIRECTORY Published for the Convenience of Newcomers Visitors and Tourists BAPTIST LewH 8 Worthip 111:45 CHRISTIAN £T'15Li a VeCh riSTTaN Euclid at East 100th St Dr Jacob IL Goldnt pastor 111:45 "Tho of Jeaua: VI II HI Enmic Stone Him RANKLIN CIRCLE at ulton Rov groom paator Bervlee CIII'RCIl CURIHT SltAlV AViffat fc Ribl School R): preaehinif service at 11 and 7:30 Minister Clias Caldwell ('ONGRECATION Panklin at 45: Services at" Il an I 7:45 Take Clifton bus at Sonars LAKEWOOD Detroit at Clifton Bower MiniHlcr Service 10:45 PlLtj RIM 14th and Starkweather Dan Bradley Walter Stark pastors Sunday School 9:30: Adult Men's and Women's elasse capable led 10:45 Dr Bradley preach "Has Jesus Silcceedcd in Bringing Liberty?" EVANGELICAL AM) REORMED CHRIST EV Rev T' Honold 98 Cudell 8 8 9:30 Church 10:45 RIENDS Society of riend (Quaker): Sunday IT a Eldred Hall Campus GOSPEL ADDISON RD GOSPEL HALL 1477 Ad diaon rd: Sunday 10 mid 7:45 LATTER DAY SAINTS' REOnftANIZED Church of Jesus Chriatl IIP at jce Rev Talbot LUTHERAN OUR SAVIOR rnklin 5R 8 minute to Square Rev Jurdahl 9:4511 LUTHERAN (AMERICAN CHURCH) HOPE Rev Allred Wagner 112and Ashbury: 8 LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) GRACE 11601 Cedar Bartels Pa a tor i30 Service 10:45 ST Pearl rd corner Ardmore 8 8:45 Eiud Ish I): 45 German 11 LUTHERAN UNITED I'tEJllANY Rev V)' Trou'tnTls ket at Lorain 8 0:15 Worship 10: in CALVARY: Rev Ernsberger United a Loekwoud 8 0:30 worship MESSIAH: Rev Jus Siller jr Berkley at De Sota 8 11:30 Worship 11 TRINITY: Detroit at Hall Lakewood 8 11:30 service 10:45 Lmbert NAZARENK IRST: Hayden at Claiborne Rev Williamson 10:15 7:30 Catholic Catholic ST CHURCH Presbyterian glenvill H'5th one Roulh of S( Rev Benjamin Van I'leve Andrew paMor Church School 10:45 DoJYou airmount alrmount Coventry Scarboroush 11 A DR ERRIS will preach IT ALL ABOUT?" DR A HIGLEY Pastor 11 a Morning Worship Sermon by DR HIGLEY of Bfje (Covenant Euclid at Cornell 11:00 and 4:30 DR BIRD VESPEBx TALK "I I WERE DICTATOR" An Amazing Book OLD STONE" Public Souare 10:45 A Morning Worship Celebration of the Communion Sermon by DR WHYTE 7:47 Evening Worship Christ of the Scottish Road" DR WHYTE Methodist Episcopal Ourcf) of Of Bradford LEE Monmouth I Preacher Christophe'r Jeffares McComhe 11:00 A ELDER 4:30 Vesper Service Heights A Cappella Choir George Strickhng Director IRST METHODIST Euclid Avenue at 30th Street Carlisle Hubbard Minister 10:45 a KINGDOM Dr Hubbard will preach another sermon in the juries on the Prodical Son "THE PRODIGAL TRAVELS A ROUGH Mutc by the Chorui Choir Jones Director Clair ave Masea 5:30 7 9 10 11:15 12 12:45 Christian Science CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Grenier Itruiielic nf The Mother Church The irst Chiuvh of Christ Scientist in Boston Mass IRST CHURCH 22U0 Overlook rd SECOND CHURCH Euclid ave at 77 THIRD CHURCH 25th at Mapledal OURTH CHURCH 1031 105th st ITH CHURCH Lake ave at 117 SIXTH CHURCH Denison ave at 98 SEVENTH CHURCH 11113 Lake Shore blvd CLEVELAND HEIGHTS 1629 Lee rd IRST CHURCH Masonic Temple LAKEWOOD 15428 Detroit ave IRST CHURCH st Arthur ave Service Sunday nmniins at 11 also Sunday at 8 except by Sixth Seventh and Cleveland Heights Services broadcast second and fourth Sundays al 11 through Statinn WHK Sunday School at 11 also by Third Sixth and Lakewood and 9:45 by Cleveland Height Testimonial meetings In all churches Wednesday evening at 8 Subject tomorrow tn all churches: "MAN" ALL ARE WELCOME Episcopal ST DETROIT AVE and cl*tON LAKEWOOD REV LeB GOODWIN Pastor SERVICES and Ila nt CHURCH 11:45 a PREACHING MISSION every night Ihl week except Sat 8 St Church 55th at Payne ave SUNDAY: Low 8 and 9 A High Mass 10:30 A CHURCH 9:30 A WEEK DAYS: 1:30 A ST CLEVELAND HEIGHTS airmount blvd at Coventry rd Rev Walter Breed Rector1 Rev Don Carey Curate Service at 8 and 11 a A DR BREED I Church School at 9:30 and 11 a Methodism's Downtown Church iafceWooli letboliisit DETROIT AND SUMMIT DR DUNCAN PREACHES 10:47 A CONCEPTION COURTESY" A Study in Kingdom'Promotion 7:30 QUEENLY COURAGE A PATRIOT" The Story of Esther Eastern Star Chapters' Attend East 107th Street at Chester RTh 7:30 "The Soul' Growth" Sermon by Dr Oscar Thom as Olsen DD Minister ull choru choir at both aervlce 11:00 Bishop Lester Smith DD LLD will preach Jewish THE TEMPLE 105th Street and Ansel Road Sunday March 8 10:30 a tn Special Purim Service RABBI SILVER' Author i A New Philosophy and Science of Health OUR DIMENSIONAL LIVING 7 REE LECTURES Illustrated with Motion Pictures Sunday Mar 8 to Sunday Mar 15 (Except ThtirRilny March J2th) ENWICKE HOLMES of Mind in and 20 Other Rooks of SUNDAY MAUCH STH Subject: YOU CAN SEE IT LT Illustrated with 2 Ul Motion rieturo of Einstein Theory (Simplified) BALLROOM HOTEL CLEVELAND PUBLIC SQUARE I il yONk Hifli will speak on Mordccai Bowed NOT DOWN An Ancient Tale and Its Modern Application The Public I Welcome Euclid Ave Temple Euclid at 82d St Sunday at a ni PURIM SERVICE RABBI BRICKNER will speak nn allacies About the What we can learn from our enemies THE PUBLIC IS WELCOME RTH.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.