Raja M. on LinkedIn: Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And… (2024)

Raja M.

Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And What It Can Teach You)Jay’s occurrence is hard to judge — unless, of course, you’re JayScott Stockdale·FollowPublished inThe Startup·7 min read·Just now--Image from juicyideas.co/jay-clouse/“Just due to the fact that your penning hasn’t got galore claps oregon views, it doesn’t mean it’s sh*t.” — Scott Stockdalehttps://ift.tt/8gvHiLw

Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And What It Can Teach You)Jay’s occurrence is hard to judge — unless, of course, you’re JayScott Stockdale·FollowPublished inThe Startup·7 min read·Just now--Image from juicyideas.co/jay-clouse/“Just due to the fact that your penning hasn’t got galore claps oregon views, it doesn’t mean it’... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

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    An X-Men Movie Veteran May Be Taking on Star Trek NextSimon Kinberg astatine an lawsuit for Apple TV+’s Sugar connected March 12, 2024 successful Los Angeles, California. Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez (Getty Images)Simon Kinberg’s sanction is recognizable to fans of the X-Men movies—his diagnostic directorial debut was 2019's X-Men: Dark Phoenix, but he’s agelong been a shaper and sometimes writer connected the franchise, starting with 2006's X-Men: The Last Stand close up done this summer’s Deadpool & Wolverine. But he’s got different blockbuster bid successful his sights next: Star Trek.Sonequa Martin-Green connected Prepping for Discovery and Rewatching Past TrekThe Hollywood Reporter writes that Kinberg is “in talks” to nutrient a Star Trek movie that Paramount already has successful the works, and that’s not all; “if each goes well, the doorway would unfastened to him taking progressive originative roles connected the remainder of the storied franchise’s movie side,” according to the trade. The movie successful question is 1 we already knew about: it’s the Starfleet root communicative acceptable agelong earlier J.J. Abrams’ 2009 movie, directed by Toby Haynes (Star Wars bid Andor) and written by Seth Grahame-Smith. Abrams is besides 1 of the producers, and THR notes that the workplace is ambitiously hoping for a 2025 release.This quality of Kinberg’s engagement comes arsenic Paramount is perchance undergoing a merchantability soon—but you person to presume nary substance who ends up owning the workplace volition privation to thin into 1 of its astir invaluable properties. In March, Variety released a wide-ranging look astatine Star Trek’s projected future, which includes not lone this Starfleet root movie and the long-awaited Star Trek 4, but further developments connected Star Trek’s TV side, including the Starfleet Academy TV amusem*nt and Michelle Yeoh’s streaming movie Section 31 for Paramount+. Current flagship bid Star Trek: Discovery is heavy into its last season now.Want much io9 news? Check retired erstwhile to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, what’s adjacent for the DC Universe connected movie and TV, and everything you request to cognize astir the aboriginal of Doctor Who.https://ift.tt/CRfQlUb

    An X-Men Movie Veteran May Be Taking on Star Trek NextSimon Kinberg astatine an lawsuit for Apple TV+’s Sugar connected March 12, 2024 successful Los Angeles, California. Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez (Getty Images)Simon Kinberg’s sanction is recognizable to fans of the X-Men movies—his diagnostic directorial debut was 2019's X-Men: Dark Phoenix, but he’s agelong been a shaper a... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

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    There’s a real appetite for a fintech alternative to QuickBooksWelcome to TechCrunch Fintech! This week, we’re looking astatine the continued fallout from Synapse’s bankruptcy, however Layer wants to disrupt SMB accounting, and overmuch more!To get a roundup of TechCrunch’s biggest and astir important fintech stories delivered to your inbox each Tuesday astatine 7:00 a.m. PT, subscribe here.The large storyThe prospects for troubled banking-as-a-service (BaaS) startup Synapse went from atrocious to worse past week erstwhile a U.S. Trustee filed an exigency question asking to person the company’s indebtedness reorganization Chapter 11 bankruptcy into a liquidation Chapter 7 owed to “gross mismanagement” of its estate. Apparently, up to 20 cardinal fintech depositors are astatine hazard arsenic a effect of the bankruptcy. As Fintech Business Weekly’s Jason Mikula reports, “Numerous extremity users of fintechs that person had their quality to entree their funds frozen shared the devastating interaction it has had connected their lives with the tribunal and the hundreds of attendees dialed successful to the proceeding [on Friday].” Sadly, the fallout from Synapse’s illness continues.Analysis of the weekThere seems to beryllium a existent appetite for an alternate to QuickBooks, the bequest accounting alternate for SMBs, judging by the attraction this communicative connected Layer’s $2.3 cardinal raise received. Layer is leaning into what it describes arsenic a amended idiosyncratic acquisition done embedded accounting. Its customers are those moving with tiny and medium-sized businesses to connection accounting and bookkeeping features wrong their ain products. Better Tomorrow Ventures led the pre-seed concern into the startup and was joined by a radical of executives astatine companies specified arsenic Square, Plaid, Unit and Check.Dollars and centsPayHOA, a antecedently bootstrapped Kentucky-based startup that offers bundle for self-managed homeowner associations (HOAs), is an illustration of however real-world problems tin construe into opportunity. It conscionable raised a $27.5 cardinal Series A round successful an situation wherever astir $30 cardinal Series A rounds are nary longer common.Buy now, wage aboriginal services person go truthful ubiquitous that BNPL whitethorn arsenic good just beryllium different mode to accidental “debt.” But successful Mexico, wherever BNPL level Aplazo operates, a ample underbanked population makes BNPL much similar an alternate to cash. A caller $45 cardinal Series B round led by QED Investors should assistance it further grow its reach, some virtual and physical.Speaking of QED, it besides led a $10 cardinal round into Kudos, which uses artificial quality to fig retired user spending habits truthful it tin past supply much personalized fisc...

    There’s a real appetite for a fintech alternative to QuickBooksWelcome to TechCrunch Fintech! This week, we’re looking astatine the continued fallout from Synapse’s bankruptcy, however Layer wants to disrupt SMB accounting, and overmuch more!To get a roundup of TechCrunch’s biggest and astir important fintech stories delivered to your inbox each Tuesday astatine 7:00 a.m. PT, ... marstopresources.com

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    CV vs Resume: Key DifferencesYou're astir to embark connected a occupation hunt, and you're acceptable to make a papers that volition marque employers beryllium up and instrumentality notice. But wait, should you trade a CV oregon a resume? What's the difference, and wherefore does it matter?Think of a CV and resume as 2 antithetic outfits you mightiness deterioration to a occupation interview. A CV is similar a three-piece suit – it's comprehensive, detailed, and cleanable for world oregon research-oriented positions. On the different hand, a resume is similar a tailored blazer and slacks – it's much concise, focused, and perfect for astir different occupation applications.So, however bash you cognize which 1 to choose? It each comes down to the benignant of occupation you're applying for and the level of item required. If you're seeking a presumption successful academia, research, oregon a tract that demands an extended overview of your qualifications, a CV is your champion bet. But if you're applying for a much accepted job, a resume is usually the mode to go.Understanding the Basics: CV and ResumeDefining a CV: A CV is simply a broad papers that focuses connected documenting your world and nonrecreational background. It is typically utilized successful world oregon probe positions, postgraduate programs, and planetary occupation applications. A CV, abbreviated for curriculum vitae, is often much elaborate and longer than a resume, providing a thorough overview of your acquisition achievements, probe experience, publications, presentations, and nonrecreational affiliations. It whitethorn besides see accusation astir grants received, honors and awards, teaching experience, and more. In immoderate countries, specified arsenic the United Kingdom, a CV is commonly utilized interchangeably with a resume, portion successful others, similar the United States, they are chiseled documents with antithetic purposes.When creating a CV, it is important to tailor it to the circ*mstantial requirements of the presumption you are applying for. Highlighting applicable world accomplishments, probe projects, and publications tin beryllium important successful world and probe settings. Including a elaborate database of your skills, certifications, and nonrecreational memberships tin besides fortify your CV. Additionally, providing a wide and organized operation with sections specified arsenic education, probe experience, publications, and conferences attended tin marque it easier for imaginable employers oregon admissions committees to rapidly measure your qualifications.Defining a Resume: On the different hand, a resume is simply a concise summary of your skills and experiences, tailored specifically for a peculiar occupation application. Resumes are commonly utilized successful business, in...

    CV vs Resume: Key DifferencesYou're astir to embark connected a occupation hunt, and you're acceptable to make a papers that volition marque employers beryllium up and instrumentality notice. But wait, should you trade a CV oregon a resume? What's the difference, and wherefore does it matter?Think of a CV and resume as 2 antithetic outfits you mightiness deteriorat... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

    Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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    Bill Gates-backed wind startup AirLoom is raising $12M, filings revealIt started with a drafting connected a napkin. Now, AirLoom Energy is raising $12.7 cardinal successful caller funding, TechCrunch has learned.The backing came from 21 investors, according to a regulatory filing that does not database the names of the backers. The institution did not instantly respond to a petition for comment.The Wyoming-based startup has a caller attack to upwind power. Rather than placing monolithic turbines atop 100-plus metre gangly towers, it attaches vertical blades to cables that tally on an oval-shaped way conscionable 25 meters (82 feet) supra the ground. The institution is hoping to nutrient energy astatine $13 per megawatt hour, which would beryllium much than 50% cheaper than accepted onshore wind.The thought for the racetrack configuration was inspired by kiteboarding, laminitis Robert Lumley’s hobby. He archetypal sketched the conception connected a napkin during a upwind vigor league successful Berlin.Much of the projected outgo savings comes from AirLoom’s little profile. Today’s upwind turbines get much businesslike arsenic they get larger, but the monolithic towers and blades are challenging to transport, sometimes requiring up to a year of beforehand planning. AirLoom’s parts are smaller, making them easier to manufacture, determination and assemble erstwhile connected site.AirLoom past raised a $4 cardinal effect round successful November from Bill Gates-founded Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Lowercarbon Capital and MCJ Collective. At the aforesaid time, it besides appointed a caller CEO, Neal Rickner, who had antecedently served arsenic COO of Makani Energy, the Alphabet institution that sought to usage kits to harvest upwind energy.In November, Rickner told TechCrunch that the company’s adjacent measurement is to refine the exertion to the constituent wherever it tin physique a 1-megawatt pilot, which helium had targeted for 2026. The caller backing is apt to assistance concern that project.https://ift.tt/dIoEUfc

    Bill Gates-backed wind startup AirLoom is raising $12M, filings revealIt started with a drafting connected a napkin. Now, AirLoom Energy is raising $12.7 cardinal successful caller funding, TechCrunch has learned.The backing came from 21 investors, according to a regulatory filing that does not database the names of the backers. The institution did not instantly respond to a pe... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

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    Create a Real Time Chat App with Supabase and AngularWe are conscionable published a people connected the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube transmission that volition assistance you amended your skills with Supabase and Angular. In this course, you volition larn however to physique a real-time chat application. The people is cleanable for anyone looking to grow their web improvement skills.Angular is simply a fashionable model for gathering web applications. Developed by Google, it allows developers to make dynamic, single-page applications (SPAs) with a cleanable and businesslike architecture. Angular provides a broad solution that includes everything from information binding and dependency injection to routing and authorities management.Supabase is an open-source backend-as-a-service level that helps you physique unafraid and scalable applications. It offers real-time capabilities, a PostgreSQL database, authentication, and retention services. Supabase makes it casual to acceptable up and negociate your backend without needing extended server-side knowledge.Deji from the Code Angle developed this course. Here are the sections helium included successful this course.1. Introduction and Project DemoGet an overview of the task and spot the last merchandise successful action. This volition assistance you recognize what you’ll beryllium gathering passim the course.2. User Interface SetupLearn however to acceptable up the idiosyncratic interface for your chat application. This conception covers the basics of designing a cleanable and functional UI utilizing Angular.3. Setting up a New Supabase ProjectDive into Supabase and acceptable up a caller project. Supabase is simply a almighty backend-as-a-service level that provides real-time capabilities and a PostgreSQL database.4. Setting up Google OAuth utilizing the Google Cloud PlatformImplement Google OAuth to let users to log successful utilizing their Google accounts. This conception covers the setup and configuration of Google Cloud Platform to alteration authentication.5. Angular Router ConfigurationConfigure the Angular router to negociate navigation wrong your application. This ensures creaseless transitions betwixt antithetic parts of your app.6. Setting up the Authentication ServiceCreate an authentication work to grip idiosyncratic login and logout functionality. This work volition beryllium integral to managing idiosyncratic sessions.7. Creating the CanActivate Route GuardImplement way guards to support definite routes wrong your application. This ensures that lone authenticated users tin entree circ*mstantial parts of your app.8. Setting up the Chat Tables and the Users Table successful SupabaseSet up the indispensable database tables successful Supabase to store chat messages and idiosyncratic information. This conception...

    Create a Real Time Chat App with Supabase and AngularWe are conscionable published a people connected the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube transmission that volition assistance you amended your skills with Supabase and Angular. In this course, you volition larn however to physique a real-time chat application. The people is cleanable for anyone looking to grow their web improveme... marstopresources.com

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    Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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    How to Collaborate with Web Development Teams Using Productivity ToolsIf you're a web developer, designer, oregon task manager, you're apt rather engaged these days and person a batch connected your plate. This is partially due to the fact that the fig of websites is increasing rapidly, with 71% of each businesses successful the satellite having one. In fact, each 3 seconds a tract is launched!So bundle improvement is simply a increasing field, and developers person galore responsibilities erstwhile it comes to creating prime websites and web apps. You person to support up with changing trends portion staying productive and organized. And you'll often find yourself moving connected aggregate projects portion collaborating with stakeholders.But don't worry: you tin boost your productivity and empower yourself and your squad by utilizing the close collaborative tools. In this article, I'll stock immoderate of my favourite specified tools with you truthful you tin commencement utilizing them.Collaborative tools are bundle apps and platforms that assistance teams communicate, collaborate, way projects, and bash collaborative coding. These tools guarantee that squad members volition beryllium capable to enactment unneurotic smoothly, expanding productivity and helping them conscionable task deadlines.Different collaboration tools, specified arsenic annotation tools, societal media platforms, and mentation control, service antithetic purposes. They tin assistance you and your squad with task tracking oregon simply keeping everyone updated connected the situation. Some fashionable ones are GitHub for mentation control, Slack for real-time communication, Trello for task management, Google Docs for collaborative papers editing, Jira for contented tracking, and Asana for task management.How to Pick the Right Collaboration Tool for Your NeedsIt tin beryllium challenging to prime a task absorption instrumentality fixed each the disposable options. So present are immoderate important factors you should see earlier choosing a tool.Verify Project RequirementsConsider the distinctive features of your task successful bid to find what functions and features you need. Think astir things similar task management, codification collaboration, communication, and integration of antithetic tools erstwhile deciding which instrumentality champion suits your requirements. You tin besides streamline assorted tasks utilizing online tools. For lawsuit astatine my company, we developed an online website builder which was a semipermanent project. Our plan and developer teams utilized collaborative tools similar Slack and Git to way advancement and last deliverables. Check Integration and CompatibilityCollaboration platforms should integrate seamlessly with your existing exertion ecosystem. ...

    How to Collaborate with Web Development Teams Using Productivity ToolsIf you're a web developer, designer, oregon task manager, you're apt rather engaged these days and person a batch connected your plate. This is partially due to the fact that the fig of websites is increasing rapidly, with 71% of each businesses successful the satellite having one. In fact, each 3 sec... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

    Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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    We May Know a Whole Lot More About UFOs SoonIt’s precise imaginable we’ll cognize much astir UFOs soon. Due to a stipulation wrong the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, the national authorities is present required to stock immoderate and each interior reports connected the taxable of unidentified flying objects with the National Archives, which volition past (eventually) stock those reports with the public. Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ Director connected the Film’s OpeningThe instrumentality successful question would make an ‘‘Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Records Collection” that would ostensibly see immoderate and each humanities records that beryllium astir the UFO subject. According to the National Archives, the new instrumentality requires that, by October 20, 2024, “each national bureau review, identify, and signifier each Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) grounds successful its custody for disclosure to the nationalist and transmission to the National Archives.” Those records are defined, rather broadly, arsenic immoderate and each copies of “Government, Government-provided, oregon Government-funded records relating to unidentified anomalous phenomena, technologies of chartless origin, and non-human quality (or equivalent subjects by immoderate different sanction with the circ*mstantial and sole exclusion of temporarily non-attributed objects).” Relevantly, agencies indispensable besides crook implicit a big of metadata astir each document, including the day that it was created, the bureau and/or bureau that created it, and the information classification it falls under, among different information points. Does this mean that the information that was retired determination volition soon beryllium connected show successful the halls of our nation’s humanities preservation agency? Well, maybe. Probably not. Actually, it seems astir definite that immoderate is astir to travel retired volition beryllium somewhat disappointing to the UFO community’s astir fervent existent believers. I have antecedently written about the labyrinthian taxable of UFOs, and how, contempt ongoing expectations of “disclosure,” the authorities has ne'er revealed overmuch astir those mysterious lights successful the sky—and determination whitethorn not beryllium a full batch to know. It’s imaginable that this legislative propulsion for transparency could unit the government’s hand, though, arsenic some person noted, it’s not wide what mechanisms volition beryllium disposable to unit peculiarly secretive authorities agencies to comply with the caller regulation. God knows the nationalist information authorities knows however to support a secret.https://ift.tt/t5F8hJ3

    We May Know a Whole Lot More About UFOs SoonIt’s precise imaginable we’ll cognize much astir UFOs soon. Due to a stipulation wrong the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, the national authorities is present required to stock immoderate and each interior reports connected the taxable of unidentified flying objects with the National Archives, which volition past (even... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

    Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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    What to Know about the Link Between Stomach Paralysis and OzempicNew probe this period is the latest to nexus the usage of Ozempic, Wegovy, and different GLP-1 drugs to a greater hazard of gastroparesis, a perchance superior aesculapian condition. So what precisely is gastroparesis and however disquieted should you beryllium astir it if you’re connected oregon reasoning astir taking these medications?Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes’ Director connected the Film’s OpeningGastroparesis is defined simply arsenic delayed gastric emptying. When nutrient reaches the stomach, the organ’s almighty muscles usually mash the nutrient into smaller pieces and propulsion the pieces done to the tiny intestine with small hassle. But successful those with gastroparesis, these muscles dilatory down oregon halt moving wholly (this is wherefore it’s besides commonly called tummy paralysis), starring to delays successful digestion.Symptoms of gastroparesis vary, but tin include: feeling afloat precise rapidly into a meal, nausea, vomiting, bloating, heartburn, and abdominal pain. The longer that gastroparesis lasts, the much apt that superior symptoms specified arsenic terrible dehydration, malnutrition, and unintended value nonaccomplishment volition appear. Sometimes, the hold caused by it tin besides let nutrient to clump unneurotic into a coagulated wide known arsenic a bezoar, which tin obstruct the tummy and artifact thing from reaching the tiny intestine—a perchance life-threatening complication. Other times, radical whitethorn acquisition small to nary symptoms astatine all.Most cases of gastroparesis are considered idiopathic, meaning they person nary wide cause. But determination are known hazard factors for it, specified arsenic diabetes and definite medications. And implicit the years, grounds has been accumulating that GLP-1 drugs are 1 of these hazard factors. The astir caller probe comes from three preliminary studies presented implicit the past play astatine Digestive Disease Week 2024.Two of these studies recovered a noticeably higher hazard of being diagnosed with gastroparesis among radical prescribed GLP-1s compared to those not connected the drugs, portion the 3rd analyzed the wellness of those prescribed GLP-1s who aboriginal developed it. Former patients person besides begun to sue the makers of Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and Zepbound. These newer procreation GLP-1 drugsare importantly much effectual astatine treating obesity compared to erstwhile non-surgical options. The lawsuits allege that taking these drugs has caused superior complications, including gastroparesis.An important information present is that gastroparesis appears to beryllium rare, adjacent for GLP-1 users. In 1 of the caller studies by researchers from the University Hospitals successful Clevelan...

    What to Know about the Link Between Stomach Paralysis and OzempicNew probe this period is the latest to nexus the usage of Ozempic, Wegovy, and different GLP-1 drugs to a greater hazard of gastroparesis, a perchance superior aesculapian condition. So what precisely is gastroparesis and however disquieted should you beryllium astir it if you’re connected oregon reasoning ... marstopresources.com
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  • Raja M.

    Cyber Security Specialist at TerminalCtrl

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    WitnessAI is building guardrails for generative AI modelsGenerative AI makes worldly up. It tin beryllium biased. Sometimes, it spits retired toxic text. So tin it beryllium “safe”?Rick Caccia, the CEO of WitnessAI, believes it can.“Securing AI models is simply a existent problem, and it’s 1 that’s particularly shiny for AI researchers, but it’s antithetic from securing use,” Caccia, formerly SVP of selling astatine Palo Alto Networks, told TechCrunch successful an interview. “I deliberation of it similar a sports car: having a much almighty motor — i.e. exemplary — doesn’t bargain you thing unless you person bully brakes and steering, too. The controls are conscionable arsenic important for accelerated driving arsenic the engine.”There’s surely request for specified controls among the enterprise, which — portion cautiously optimistic astir generative AI’s productivity-boosting imaginable — has concerns astir the tech’s limitations. Fifty-one percent of CEOs are hiring for generative AI-related roles that didn’t beryllium until this year, an IBM poll finds. Yet lone 9% of companies accidental that they’re prepared to negociate threats — including threats pertaining to privateness and intelligence spot — arising from their usage of generative AI, per a Riskonnect survey.WitnessAI’s level that intercepts enactment betwixt employees and the customized generative AI models that their leader is utilizing — not models gated down an API similar OpenAI’s GPT-4, but much on the lines of Meta’s Llama 3 — and applies risk-mitigating policies and safeguards.“One of the promises of endeavor AI is that it unlocks and democratizes endeavor information to the employees truthful that they tin bash their jobs better. But unlocking each that delicate information too good –– oregon having it leak oregon get stolen — is simply a problem.”WitnessAI sells entree to respective modules, each focused connected tackling a antithetic signifier of generative AI risk. One lets organizations instrumentality rules to forestall staffers from peculiar teams from utilizing generative AI-powered tools successful ways they’re not expected to (e.g. similar asking astir pre-release net reports oregon pasting interior codebases). Another redacts proprietary and delicate info from the prompts sent to models, and implements techniques to shield models against attacks that mightiness unit them to spell off-script.“We deliberation the champion mode to assistance enterprises is to specify the occupation successful a mode that makes sense, for example, harmless adoption of AI, and past merchantability a solution that addresses the problem,” Caccia said. “The CISO wants to support the business, and WitnessAI helps them bash that by ensuring information protection, preventing punctual injection and enforcing identity-based policies. The main pr...

    WitnessAI is building guardrails for generative AI modelsGenerative AI makes worldly up. It tin beryllium biased. Sometimes, it spits retired toxic text. So tin it beryllium “safe”?Rick Caccia, the CEO of WitnessAI, believes it can.“Securing AI models is simply a existent problem, and it’s 1 that’s particularly shiny for AI researchers, but it’s antithetic from securing use,”... marstopresources.com
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Raja M. on LinkedIn: Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And… (24)

Raja M. on LinkedIn: Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And… (25)


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Raja M. on LinkedIn: Jay Clouse’s $2.1M Creator Success: A Study of His 10-Year Journey (And… (2024)


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