Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)

7-'. I THE "WE ATHEB. -7 r. For New Jersey: Increasing cloudiness, probable showers to-night; Wed est'sy. fair, and warmer; moderate south to southwest winds.

NEW. SERIES NO. 5560. N. SE A A 1.3, .1.9 1 3 12 PAGES ONE CENT.

LOOK IN HORROR AS COURT CONFIRMS FORM LEAGUE TO LITTLE DAN CUPID PRESIDENT WILSON ACCEPTS FEARING ATTACK URGE THOMPSON SALES MMIS WORKING OVERTIME Ji1 TERMS DICTATED BY SMITH Judge Cross Dismisses Petition '1 KING'S PALACE I 1 Additional Watchmen Employed 1 to "Frustrate Suffra- gette.Plot Loving City Sheriff Nowrey Master of Ceremonies at Meeting Aimed to' Change Government. ST and REPUBLICANS May-Brides-to-be; and Swains in Rush to Clerk's Office. CHILD MEETS DEATH Mother in Hospital in. Ignorance of Awful Fate of Her Daughter. VERITABLE TORCH ON TOP OF HILL Referendum Tacked on to Chan-cellor-Sheriff Jury Reform Bill and it Passes'; the House.

Filed by David Garrlgues, Who Held Assigned Claim. DECISION UPHOLDS --REFEREE'S RIUNG PATROL THE GARDEN MERCHANTVILLE MAN -COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN GRANTS LICENSE TO YOUTH OF SEVENTEEN FIRM FOR REAP Bill Democratic Senators Reject Real Jury Reform at Their Ses- sion To-day. AND WATCH DOORS By United Press Wire. AMAZING STORY OF WILSON'S SURRENDER United States District Gourt Cro3s mt1r-hyowwi tfh. a tniBr NEW YORK, May 13.

Mra. Thomas yesterday at Newark confirmed thej swains were very much in evidence at ceremonies and a Merchantville man sales of the real estate of the bank- Ford, dangerously ill following an 1 fjpt estate of the late William J. tho City Clerk's office yesterday and, to-day. They came from several distant points and were of half a dozen lawyer Haney Carr taking a prominent part In the proceedings, a meet atlon performed to-day, does hot know By United Press Wire. LONDON.

May 18. Several additional nlghV watchmen, it was learned to-day, are belng employed at Buckingham Palace, presumably In apprehension of a suffragette plot against their Majesties. They have been instructed especially to patrol the gar ing of Democrats, Bull Moose and In nationalities. One scheduled groom is Thompson which had been approved some time ago by Referee in Bankruptcy S. Conrad Ott.

In so doing Judge Cross dismissed the petition of TRENTON, May in his but 17 years and another Is a marino COMPROMISE BILL 7 MAY NOT PASS Attempt to force through the New Jer at League Island. The list follows: sey Legislature, a jury reform bill of David W. Garrigues, who held an assigned claim, and. who together with of the tragic death of her S-year-ol'l daughter who was burned to death with a score of persons looking on horror but 'to reach the, When a Lackawanna train pulled into passengers were horH- mandatory nature, President Wilson several other small creditors, filed a request, asking that the sales be set den- in the rear of the palace and to dividuals identified with ho particular was held last night in the Goff building in the interest of the commission form of government for the city of Camden. A temporary organisation was effected by the selection of Dr.

Dowllng Benjamin as chairman; Monitor Watchman, of the First ward and a Bull Moose adherent, as secre iabjectly surrendered to Former United (State Senator James Smith and aside. George Lynch aged years, of 101 Waverly place, and Theresa Johnson, aged 18 years, of 1029 Rodman street. George A. Cruse, ag'ed 22 years, of Marine Barracks, League Island, and, Anria Burk, aged 18 years, of 1058 South Second street' Harry Simon Truitt, aged 23 years, cf Marietta, Pa and Margaret Riley Alll make frequent inspection of the doors' and windows. The properties Include the Washing fled to see a little column of smoke and Several watchmen with felt-sojed ton Park- tract, the old race track By United Press Wire.

TRENTON, May situation in the, JLemtft--IPirardiniltJury Reform appeared much unsettled when the Sena shoes are regularly assigned to pace flames on a hillock near the station. it the corridors of the building and OneJwas moving rapidly back and forth 1 a 1 t. A 11- Yesterday Afternoon the Democrats, as jjredictedt in yefdsy'i JoVTslfigram, put it through the House p( Assembly the vote of 39 to15, the Sheriff -Com-'mUsloner bill, with a referendum, property, the Thompson holel and the Newbold tract. The: sale price of the park Was $53,800. the purchaser being tors got together at 11 o'clock this lS always on autv at tne aoor 01 me iwu vi n.

umu was win- tary, together with a committee on son, aged, 19 years, of BethBeda, Mi. tlnguished. Little Alice's clothing was George W. Jessup. Newbold tract organization composed of Lawyer i Howard R.

Knoaas, aged 23 years, OB morning. The Wilson-Chancellor bill passed yesterday in the House with a referendum attached pass the King's bed chamber from the time bis Majesty retires until his appears in the morning. Harvey Carr, of Merchantvllle, chair S37 Mt. Vernon street, and Hattle Kane, aged 21 years, of 824 Roydeu street. in names.

7 A wagon driver dashed tin. the hill, carried the child to his wagon' md man: Sheriff Nowrey, aamuei B. uorr, Edward West and Harry Knight, Now- ith the additional watchmen the Senate without Republican help, as the Senate now stands 10 Democrats to 9 Republicans, and it takes 11 votes to drove madly to a but rey's candidate for postmaster. An seven Republicans opposing together with eight Democrats, -who-would-not Ijoin the Wilson surrender. James Nugent, Smith's field marshal, on the ocean miles from land when 1 khe crisis came, but he knew before he ailed that the victory President 'Wilson-was won.

1 The Howe was startled when Mr. died soon afterward. The child's moth regular street guard of police are on duty and King George is under careful surveillance from morning to night. other meeting is to be held next Mon er was in the same hospital price was also purchased by George W. Jessup.

The race track property was bought by David Baird for 164.000. Garrigues alleged in his petition that the prices realized were not sufficient. LOCKJAW VICTIM pass a bill, and Senator Munson is in Europe. -t day night. There-were about sixty in attendance At noon aTonrerenee-or-Bemooratic Harris S.

Davis, aged SO years, or Sharon. and Annie Mary aged 26 years, of 355 Chestnut street. Herbert K. Cranmer, aged 25 year. oC 1439 Broadway, and Othils N.

Miller, aged 25 years, of Til New street. Raymond C. Muiford. aged 20 years, of J8 North Fifth street, and Florence Gladney, aged 19 years; of 307 Federal street. at the meeting.

For the most part CAMELS PARADE SENATOR PENROSE Jlennessy, accused Speaker they came by special invitation sent from some mysterious source. In fact Senators began in President Johnson' room and the Republicans conferred by themselves. The Republicans can entirely block the President Wilson-Jim Smith compromise jury reform (Taylor, who was on the floor speaking, of seeing former Senator a men Smith. there was a general air of secrecy. pervading the entire gathering, al Wif Essex, the Wilson foe, to get votes Wlkuta Bembis.

aged 25 years, of 1421 though to all intents it was a public affair. Those who have been identified proposition. The Republican Senators at their con MENACE ONLOOKERS South Tenth street, and Helen Ziakos- SLOWLY MENDING lor the compromise "I admit it," replied Speaker Taylor, "'hut I did not see Senator Smith and kia, aged 19 years, of 1421 South Tenth ference decided to stand by the. Read with Sheriff Nowrey or who have been street. seeking positions either under a Demo bill and no other.

Philip Fanduslo, aged 25 years, of ask him for votes until I had cated wtlh the highest exponent of jurv The Read silk provides tor ap cratic, Republican or any other administration, were much in evidence. There was but one speech made and South Second street, and Marie Pan zahdi, aged 21 years, of same address. reform in this country (meaning Presl TO FIGHT TARIFF .1 Proposes to Filibuster Until Hearings Shall HaVe Been Concjuded. Frightened Animals Dart on to pointment of jury commissioners by Circuit Court Judges, comes up on third reading and beaten by a pariy Herbert A. Drayer, aged 30 years, oc dent Wilson), and been assured, that this the thing he- wanted mo vote, showing the Democrats were Op Middletown, and Jennie E.

Certain, aged 22 years, of 403 Market street. to, do." Anti-Tetanus Toxin Treatment in Camden Saves Collingswood Man from Awful Death. that was by Sheriff Nowrey, the head, middle and tall of the movement. He dug up ancient grudges relatives things which did not Just suit his fancy posed to a real jury reform measure. "Then you did see Senator Smith?" Roy W.

Farrtsh, aged 35 years, of 164 Sidewalk Crowded With Women and Children. At the opening of the Senate session again questioned Mr. Hennessy. the Egari bill came up for third read Broadway, and Alice D. Brooke, of Broadway.

ing, but the Read pill was quickly sub John Zemlauszi, aged 23 years, of iSZft "Tes, I did see Senator Smith, the reply, "but I had a conference with certain gentlemen in the State' House ilast Friday night, of which Senator and then launched forth into what be termed the advantages cf commission government. He gave the rosy side of the issue but never mentioned the stituted by Senator Read. When it was fairly before the Senate, Mr. Read ad Fillmore street, and Mill Simnziti, aged 22 years, of 1818 Fillmors street. ISmith was not a party, although.

Mr. proved defects of the Walsh ct. John Herczynski, aged 22 years, tit LACERATED KNEE iHennessy was, and being assured that vocated passage of the measure. He reviewed the history and the work of the special commission which inverslgated the subject of Jury reform and declared 1181 Liberty stret. and Elizabeth Ka-mlnskl, aged 19 ears, of 1014 Mechanic Ithis was the correct thing to do I con DEMOCRATS HOPE TO WORK STEAM ROLLER POLICEMAN KNAUFF GOES TO THE RESCUE (Suited the President's private secretary, street.

the bill was the result of that commis IN 'CYCLE MISHAP 1 (CONTINUED ON 11TH PAGE.) sion's careful deliberations; was not In the course of his remarks Sheriff Nowrey surprised his audience by again decrying the purchase by the city of Forest Hill Park; a tract of land now -worth many tWues the price The meeting adopted these resolutions presented by Sheriff Nowrey: the present form of city government of mayor and a large num patchwork measure. Democratic Leader Davis urged the DIVORCE FOLLOWS The promptnes's of Policeman Phil INSPECT By United Press Wire. Skill on the part of the physicians need of Jury reform and said he regretted that when President Wilson came to New Jersey he. made visit Knauff and attaches of the circus at the Cooper Hospital in combatting WASHINOTPN, May 13. whether or not the Finance Committee shall rnnriucrt Viparlnpa nn tha tariff bill Wui probably saved many people from be- a party matter.

After the Senate cle- ber "of Councilmeh has many defects in theory and idoes 'not work well in tag' injuted at Broadway and' Kaighn dreaded" tetanus is evidenced in the sav avenue as the parade was passing this lng of McClain Nicholson, of Collinjs- BV SCHOOL BOARD practice, and mtersection tnis: morning. wood, from an awful death from, that feated the Read bUl by a. party vote, 10jtne i8BU, of a baMle scheduled in the to 9, Mr. Read changed' Ria vote for theSenate tni, afternoon. Before adjourti-purpose of brining the for re-naent to-night the question will prob-consideratibn, but when he onoved to fabjy havft been forced to a roll call Opposite the store of Friedenberg ft ing separate wards, and" coteries 'of disease, Through the Hess, on the southeast corner, huTV or of tetanic toxin representing particular districts.

'r'i reconsider the measure his motion was, vote Tne Democrats believe they will BOTH ESCAPADE Mrs. Charles Brestle Did Not'. Contest Her Husband's Sait for Freedom. areas oe -cs were a learn1 ujjiis uj. iuiu of camels, sixteen in.

number; drawing 1, now believed that Nicholson is ont 'UJTJ TJISJ were gathered. A team many, units'; wards and tabled. The Read bill provides for the vote down any attempt by Republican "regulars" to force hearings. particular districts, often in disregard of Justice to the weaker heavy wagon 1 became- panicky and of danger entirely The majority relies upon rorty-nine or and less represented districts and neighborhoods, or lose their ward and Educational Directors Are Makr ing Their Annual A the institutiei). realized the danger to pedestrians and with his club single-handed he beat the anlmala out; into the street.

By this time, the circus men were on its members in the Upper House to oppose hearings. Its leaders declare that the best service which can be rendered the business world is get through Two weeks ago the man symptoms- of having the tetanic -germs in his system. This resulted from a laceration of the knee caused by. a fall from a motor cycle. When the mus- district support; and Whereas, the number of officers (kw elected falls to center and catch the the scene and aided-the bluecoat.

Sev with the tariff uncertainty at once. They attention of the voters; andHbe can eral women fainted and manv were cles of the man became stiffened it aver that the House bill has the ap appointment 6f two Jury commissioners in each county by Circuit Court Judges. As a deadlock seemed inevitable. on jury reform, the Senate turned its t-tention to the Hennessy Cbnstlutional Convention bill and after a sharp debate, in which the Smaller South Jersey counties objected strenuously to the population basis of representation, the bill was killed by a vote of 14 to 5. This is likely to end the constitutional convention project for this year at least.

Senator Edge, Atlantic, led the opposition to the convention bill. Although the Democratic party is pledged to a constitutional convention bill trampled, but none seriously hurt. concluded to place him under the didates in personel cannot be lntelll gently passed upon by the voters, be proval of the country in all Important particulars and that Republican in passing pageant' was-held up for several cause there are so many of them, and FORCE CO-RESPONDENT TO TELL OF CONDUCT the situation suggests the so-called SEE FOR THEMSELVES-JUST WHAVS NEEDED sistence upon hearings is merely a pretext for delay until artificial protest can be raised in rder justify a oaniCv short ballot system of city elections, or commission form of government, and THEFT FASTENED Senator Penrose, leading the Republi can attack, maintains that the business vvnereas, city administration is a matter of business which should be completely divorced from party poll- six Democratic Senators voted against tics, which now largely controls it, and it, namely: Davis, Salem; Martens, Hunterdon Ramsey, snould be in the hands of a few men NEW EMPLOYE men of the country had no expectation when the, hearings were given by the House Committee that the bill would be so drastic as it now appears. We propose to filibuster against the bill to Committee until the hearings shall have (CONTINUED ON 11TH' PAGE.) ri. who are directly responsible for their method of the conduct of the business of a city, instead of in the hands of been many men who attend to municipal FIERCE RATE WAR ON Sharp division of the Republican Sen direction or.

the physicians at the hospital. On his admission there was some fear that there had been too great a delay, but the injections of the toxin were made and after a strenuous battle it was found that the insidious inroads of the deadly bacilli had been' stayed. This is not the first instance in which persons have been saved from death by tetanus through the method of the wonderful toxin. If a case is not too far advanced there are excellent chances for recovery. 3 HURT IN FIRE 26 Horses and 3- Autos Destroyed at Va.

Cold Stor-age Plant To day. Boy Disappears Just Ater Be affairs when they have nothing else to do, and who are responsible only to scattered segments of voters and Members of the Board of Education are to-day. inspecting' the 'schools of the city with the idea of ascertaining the 'needs in-the of repairs and the like. Their itinerary includes the High School, Genge, Cooper, Cassldy, Read, North East, Sewell and the Linden Others Will be visited This is an annual occasion and the educators get first hand information as to what must be. done during the vacation period.

-As a rule the school 'i buildings have been kept in jexcellent -condition, but it is generally ators, as a result of the Chicago conference of the past few daxa, however, (CHAPERON BUSINESS moved largely' by political instead of business and municipal considerations, seemed likely to be reflected in the yot. to-day. Democrats believe that Senators Borah, Cummins and Kenyon will refuse to follow Senator Penrose's lead ing Engaged and Watch Goes, Too. and Locating his wife and a man in an apartment at a local hotel Charles K. Jr of Colllngswood, was today granted a' divorce by Vice Chancellor Learning from his wife, Laura Eleanor Hayes 'Brestle.

The husband was given the custody of their child, but the wife was given the right to visit, the child upon terms agreed to by, counsel. The Brestles were married on June 24, 1905, in Philadelphia, and lived together until December, 10, 1910. Slnca that date he avers that his wifa wickedly disregarded the solemnity of her vows with George W. Saxton, of; Camden Although no defense was Attorney Harry C. Kramer putSaxton4he-co-respondenton tha stand.

Saxton at first dectlned to testify on the ground that he might in-. criminate himself. Whereupon the couft said: A "Young man you have escaped tha Court of Quarter Session, and you will By United Press Wire. Whereas, more than 240 cities of the United States have, since 1906. adopted LONDON, May 13.

A fierce rate war is on in the chaperonage business. the short ballot principal by Installing The 1 broken down aristocrats who commission forms of government, with in any parliamentary fight. If, this proves the case the tariff measure will go at once to the Finance Commltee lor its consideration and within two or three weeks will be reported to the Democratic caucus for approval. Af ter thatwill comethe long Jlebate neee'ssary to have much painting done QUICKLY. CAPTURED.

make a comfortable' living obtaining society invitations and chapetoiis almost unexceptional success and satis faction, now, therefore, be It as. well as carpentering work. s. those social climbers who cannot get Resolved, that we citizens of the city BY CITY DETECTIVE or camden, irrespective of partv affili At present two new schools are being constructed, "one in- East Camden at Twenty-ninth andrMlekle streets and the other at Mt. Ephraitn avenue and them for themselves, are cutting -prices right and left to meet competition.

on the Senate floor. The impecunious son of a fortune HEMMER, Caterer, for Weddings, all ations, do form a non-partisan association for the purpose of disseminating the views above expressed, and such other considerations as weigh in Jackson street. 1 These are twelve-room less baronet to-day cut his rates for Some very quick work was done by By United Press Wire. buildings and will relieve the congested the fashionable Ascot race meeting social affairs, planked shad banquets a specialty. 325 Market street.

Key Wm. Mailahan, aged 17 years, of 1201 HUNTINGTON. W. IS. from 1200 for the four, days, or 1100 conditions in those sections or the.

city. ravor or progress in municipal govern ment and be It further i for one day, to J1B0 for the four, only North Eighteenth when he was, Three men Were seriously injured, one employed by-the JefCerls Manufactur- perhaps, fatally, twenty-six horses and It is likely that some provision will be. made for the open-air classes sug all that you know and did or else Resolved, that an organization be to find that 'an enterprising rival Had reduced hit price to $125 and $60. ing Seventh and Pearlithree autos destroved and DroDertv gested by Dr. H.

Davis, chief of purpose with a presl- streets, yesterday morning. He arrived 'damaged to the extent of $35,000 bv a' rormed for that Two or thre receptions a day now Lthe medical staff. This: has already stone phone 5410-R. B. F.

SCHROEDER SONS, UsMlertakera. Fourth and Aroh 8ts M. J. JUBANYIK, brick and esment work. (07 N.

Sixth. Phone. treas- at ten minutes before 7 secured fire in the H. McCoach Ice and Cold' president. can bs had for from to $25, according to the rank of the hostesses, while the job and -then ten minutes after storage Plant early to-day.

The men vrer an1 other necessary officers and hA committees, to be known as th "Cam IUJUICU 'I Li UUUCAlll UCU1 1. i that hour he had dropped out of sight At the same time the watch of Marshal proved efficacious In other cities and Camden will likely try it next fall. This is a' subject which will be gone into with much care, however, before such ('lasses, are permanently established. for such big society functions as the Cowes yachting week a chaperon and when the west wall fell. They were rushed to a hospital.

The injured' are: someone else win go to jail. Saxton then admitted Ms illicit relations with Mrs. Brestle and the court lost no time in giving Mr. Brestle a decree and the custody of his 6-year-old son. On the occasion that" Brestle traced his wife and Saxton, to a local hotel the pair escaped before he could get a warrant for them.

They were later arrested and placed on trial in the Criminal Court, but escaped conviction. Following theii1 trial William ticket for the Royal Tacht Squadrons of 754 Federal also disappeared. 7 When the case was turned over to men uimniasion government Association," to raise money, hold meetings, promote publicity and education, and generally advertise the project of submitting the adoption of such form of Harry Damron, 25, badly cut, prob Dr. Davis is thoroughly familiar with ably internally injured. lawn" costs rrom 1300 to $500 where It used to be double that.

This traffic in' tickets caused a big scandal at As the needs In this respect and if tHe Detective John- Brothers It was pretty Assistant Fire Chief Dough, badly way is clear the classes become a goernment to a referendum, vote of the crushed. The Old Way -1 1 1 Won't Do Now cot last year and "agents" this year much like looking for a needle in 'a hay stack insofar as locating the tne near future. Little hope 'for recovery of James people of Camden, under the. statute are finding it hard to obtain tickets youngster was concerned. The sleuth Whltten, patrolman, cut and bruised cas made and provided.

for the royal enelbsure, but despite the about the head. Condition serious. Lord Chamberlain's threat that anyone visited the neighborhood in which Mailahan, resides arid after a patient wait of several hours, or some time af vLul i 7. proprietor or the hotel, was hd f. ofi arrested for having testified falsely, found selling a ticket will be wiped off the court lists the trade goes onerui jNowrey.

Lnder Sher ff A. In his efforts to save the couple. Con- At the High School the board found conditions very" much The auditorium is so, inadequate that it is necessary to use it twice daily to accommodate the In every particular it was found that there must of necessity be some 1 expansion or it will be Impossible to carry pn the work at that It has now ter 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, he. ANOTHER ECHO OF victed on a charge of perjury Wasman was fined $1,000. SOCIETY QUARREL Pitman, Irving Hermann, candidate for postmaster: John T.

Wright, candidate for postmaster; Harry Knight, candidate for postmaster; William J. Mc-Nelr, formerly of the 8. P. C. G.

Percy Campbell, Gerald Wheeler. William Rutherford, oen of 3herlff Now-rey's jailors; George Klelnheints, of the found the boy riding on a wagon. He was yanked off and sent to the city Jail and this morning he, was held in $300 ball by Recorder Stackhouse on a specific' charge of The ratch was found; in his SAMUEL M'ADAMS ENTERTAINS CLUB been a Couple of years since the arm FIFTEEN HORSES BURNED TO DEATH orj" plot was purchased for new but the. withal' to erect By United Press Wire. COLORADO SPRINGS, May 13, the structure has not been forthcoming.

aixin ward; Albion W. Lane, who was Entertains Clover Leaf. The Clov4r Leaf Social met at ths Clarence Pierce. Brokaw, a relative the independent candidate for Council Is one of the crying needs In the of W. Gould Brokaw.

of New York. i in thu Third ward and a nf Samuel McAdams entertained a number of his friends last evening at ff)ome of Miss Gertrude Rlvel, 140 Prin will be arraigned this afternoon on the Judge French; Fred Triplett, who fall-charge of hitting his wife with a fry-red of appointment as Motor Vehicle By United Press Wire. TORONTO. May 13. Fifteen horse were burned to death and the East educational system of the city.

POLICE SERGEANT his home, 1222, avenue. The house was tastefully decorated in purple and gold, the Parkside A. C. colors. cess avenue, Jast After tran sacting regular business the members adjourned to the dining room and were lng pan and breaking two of her fin-; Agent; Samuel Tllden French, brother The assault, Mrs.

Brokaw al-lof Judge French; John Ryan, of the iixo aDlea oi tne simco Tenth wrd- Thm. r- iuZc Company were completely destroy- William Kampmyer, William' Statler, Walter- Reeve and Allen the leges, occurred last Saturday after by nre which broke out In fan noon during a quarrel. Tenth ward: Joseph Neil, of the Tenth kV.uii STRICKEN ON DUTY ng early to-day. The loss will Parkside musical rendered, ail the latest songs of the Dancing was the fftltur of th fivpnln At a. lata UL UU TV i wrv ent were Isaac' Garrison, Mrs.

Harry Redding, Mrs. Tlbbets; Miss Mary Tlbbets, Mrs. Matthias Jackson, Mrs. George Stlcher and Miss Gertrude Rlvel. 1 -V VC':" Iheftt In New York banking circles, of the District Court; Edward f'' FUy bJ Last spring hs kidnapped hi.

6-year-; We.t, a young attorney who it is Ltd each and the remainder of the damage 1 1 in- 1(, hour the guests were ushered into the Vouce sergeant larns StoW' was The old idea of selling things retail is now practically ex-' tinct the hit-or-miss way, with Indifferent selections of mer- chandlse and indifferent sales-, people and poor servlae." To-day the patron's comfort; convenience, and enlightenment; are foremost. Comprehensive showings of wares are selected by trained experts- who are tn constant touch with the leading centres of fashion. Rare tras; 'v ufes front the four corners of the world 'are displayed, to- 1 gether with all the necessaries Tot life everything for one's every need: The little shop, the modern department store, the enterprls- lng Manufacturer all you'' the story of their offerings, In the'colunins or the A careful study of our daily aavertiserncnts quickens your lnlpllect, Ipforms your mind and teaches you where to shop and what to buy. also shows -you how to save time, money, -arid patience, because to adver-tise' in the POST-TELEGRAM Is -a'slgn of quality, "dependability, a si up-to-dateness, dining-room, where a feast was spread, attaoked with, acute indigestion while Carl Sohard, acting1 president of the od on -Busier ana came to his seiu out me invitations to attend the mother's home here -to leave the meeting; John Quick, of the Fifth Later Brokaw "and his wife were re-! Samuel W. Davis, Elmer conclled and have been living together Barr, Baptist defeated candidate Parkside A.

was toastmaster, and i i BROADWAY BUILDING AND -y L0AN; association. The fortieth annual stockholders 'at tho" First district patrol house about 4 o'clock this mornipg. He was takert to the Hofnedpathlc Hospital since. nomination for rer tne uemocrattc Fred Beig, gave an address of wel come to the lady friends of the club, In the amhulance where for a time is to the building which was completed only a short time ago. Defective wiring is assigned as tha cause by the management of the lco company.

The fire was one of the most spectacular seen here formany years and attracted thousands of people, DR. WALTER W. CRATE, DENTIST, has removed from 19 Broadway to his new offices, "th at. above Market. meeting, of the Broadway.

Building and Those present were: Elsie Miller, be was In a serious Serjeant Stow Is. still In' the Instl Loan Association will, be held on Wednesday evening, May at B. I. A. Rooms, N.

fi. Cor. Broadway and Walnut street, Camden, N. J. tutlon but will be able tp'leave'by Surrogate.

SberlfT Nowrey told his audience, that the foundation for' securing signatures to the petition had been started over a year ago by William J. Mc-Nelr and G. Percy Campbell. He failed to state thAt McNelr and Campbell had been engaged by a gentleman now deceased, Margaret Stroat, Anna McParland, Alice McParland, Vlotet Winters, Jessie 1 Cogswell, Helen Sorblck, Helen Camp-1 bell, Mae Butler, Margaret Corbett, Anna Nowrey, Stella Strout; Pauline Lojeck, Anna Kamymyer, Margaret) Martin, Elsie Berryman and Sarah. Archbald; Alex McKeowh.

Ray' Miller. i Officers; directors and auditors for Men's Panamas bleached; and "block the ensuing year i will be A new Aeries of stock will be opened and Straw Hats a stieclattv, 1 1 H. T. AMBRUSTER. 4S( Kalghn Avenue.

shares may be secured from any officer or" director. Money to loan on ap TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the East Side Building and Loan Association stockholders will fee held on Tuesday even Ing, May 12th, at Donahue's Hall, 2407 federal street, when the eleventh series of stock will be Issued. At this time ofneers for the -ensuing year will elected. JOHN E. CULLINGFORD.

7 Secreury. MAX REIHMAN, Sho.t Metal, Tin 'A 24th 4 Riwc Ay. Pheim, 11 1... ii. 1 1 1 John Cheski, Guy L.

Higglns, Daniel Kelleher, Clarence Conby, F. proved property. T.YORKE 8M1TH. FlankedShad Dinners at Washington Park Larf and Small Parti Sarvati i Troll? CaV th Ptrk HAD DAILY I 7 Secretary. Simrabns Ttylor, Isrii Sf U.DCRTaKCKS Get Dorothy Choeelatas at FE RAT'S, 628 fsdsrsl 8trM.

MOTOR CARRIAGE SERVICE. All day and ail nlghu Hoi B'dwj tftf. E-iiile, ffioaef fi 13(2, Ilk iMc Adams. Allen Cole, Rudolf Stadler, Roy Hurst, Walter Reeves, Samuel MeAdams, Max. Mueller, Jamos Mc-Adams, Harry PItttngf'r, Carl Schard.

fIYd Bsf, William Grftveristine and 1' -rvej. .1 IDWARD' CATERER, Lent, Hi Msrtnt Street.

Courier-Post from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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  4. Feed stories to reporters. ...
  5. Learn to write newsworthy press releases. ...
  6. Exploit natural PR opportunities. ...
  7. Create PR opportunities. ...
  8. Get involved in the local community.

Does Camden SC have a newspaper? ›

Chronicle-Independent | Camden SC.

Does courier post still exist? ›

A new NZ Post brand

Our three delivery brands - NZ Post, CourierPost and Pace – have become one, with a fresh look and feel to match! You'll also notice simplification of our product names and services, making it easier to explore our offerings.

Who prints the courier mail? ›

Owned by News Corp Australia, it is published daily from Monday to Saturday in tabloid format. Its editorial offices are located at Bowen Hills, in Brisbane's inner northern suburbs, and it is printed at Yandina on the Sunshine Coast.

What days is post delivered? ›

Royal Mail delivers from Monday to Saturday, excluding bank holidays.

How do I contact a post? ›

If you have a complaint or any other concern, please let us know by:
  1. Filling out the contact us form at
  2. Completing an online enquiry form at
  3. Calling Customer Services on 353 (1) 705 7600.

How do I contact the Jersey Post Atlas? ›

Contact our Customer Care team on (01534) 616616 or

How do I send a courier to someone? ›

Head to your nearest post office and buy an appropriate-sized envelope for your parcel or letter. Insert the item(s) you want to send, and securely seal the envelope. To ensure that your parcel is processed as a Speed Post courier, clearly write 'Speed Post' on the top of the envelope.

How do I cancel my post and courier subscription? ›

How can I change my subscription or cancel? Please email us at or call us at 843-853-7678 and one of our customer service team members will be happy to assist.


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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.